A cure for Malaria without drugs

Our idea was able to convince the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fund Phase I and Phase II of our project. We want to change completely the way to treat malaria.

We enjoy our meetings and discussions. It is our joy to see biology students being trained and effectively using engineering tools to predict, measure and design tools to achieve our goals


Evaluation of the in vitro and in vivo anti plasmodial effect of water treated with Photonic Multiphase Modulators (PMM) designed with Advanced Physics System Engineering (APSE™) and BioPhoton-X™ technology. Rosa Coromoto De Jesús, Rocío Izos, Laura Pineda, Julio Lavergne, Victor De Franco Levi, Lorena Coronado, Carmenza Spadafora. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology. Volume 223, October 2021, 112283. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1011134421001627