The 2020 Panama High School iGEM team is launched

This year, we are preparing a team of iGEMers from High School, for the first time. With a team from the International School of Panama, the Oxford School and the Instituto Nacional, we at INDICASAT are ready to start the enthusiastic road that will bring these kids to dream of changing society with science. Adelante!

New Senior Member of IEEE

With great pleasure we announce that Dr Carmenza Spadafora has been upgraded to Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in its Chapter of Medicine & Biology (EMB). Only 10% of the more than 400,000 members of IEEE in 160 countries have achieved this level. Being not an engineer, this is counted as a great honor.

The Bioprospection Group of INDICASAT AIP headed for more funding

The GEF 7 program for Panama has accepted the proposal presented by the Group of Drug Discovery and Bioprospection of INDICASAT with University of Panama collaboration. The project will make use of the benefits that native microbes could have related to their agricultural and medical potentials. INDICASAT AIP has almost 20 years of experience running a very succesful academic and conservation program with Funding from NIH, USDA, NSF, GEF, SENACYT and more recently, the Ministry of Environment through their Fund for Wildlife, Biodiversity and Water.

The launching of the project, which should be ready for implementation around April or May 2020, gathered stakeholders from INDICASAT AIP, University of Panama, the United Nations Development Program, Ministry of Finance of Panama, Ministry of Environment of Panama and the Director of the National Park “La Amistad”, spreading between Panama and Costa Rica, where some of the activity related to biological control will take place. The program will strengthen the concept of sustainability of biodiversity through the development of useful products to society out of scientific discovery.

Sensibilization on the use of Optical Tweezers

Our group organized this presentation with Drs. Morales Cruzado and Sarmiento Gómez, from Mexico, with long experience in the use and applications of Optical Tweezers. The new equipment will be installed in our Institute in the next couple of months through national funding obtained by our collaborative group. The equipment will be open to users from any academic or research body that needs it. Doriana Dorta, from our team, will be coordinating with users.