The team has established a new project with the European Union

The team has established a new project with the European Union Commission under a Marie Curie-Slodowska Action of HorizonEurope to study Volatile Organic Compounds given off by Extracellular Vesicles from diseases like Malaria infection. It will examine the possibilities of using them for diagnostic purposes utilizing different techniques of detections, to include Electronic Noses. This is a project that involves partners from UPPSALA UNIVERSITET (UU) in Sweden, MONASH UNIVERSITY in Malasya, SC MGM STAR CONSTRUCT SRL (MGM) in Romania, the Malaria Team at INDICASAT AIP in Panama, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK (UNIMAS) in Malasya, INSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULARA PETRU PONI (ICMPP) inRomania, UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA TOR VERGATA (UNITOV) in Italy, and the EESTI MAAULIKOOL (EMU) in Estonia which coordinates the program.

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